DELIHQUIHT BALE8. BM mm HXlxrr ''J "nin mwrtrt. Uneoh., Wte of Notice-There I delinqnent upon tb Inc dMieribMl tork, aeronnt of lo. lW on the 1Mb d.y of W7.
th.Trl amount. et th. of tk resprctrr hreholVr follows do. of o.
(Wildcat. nre. oui Kane. .110 ..12 lt 1W Kill li ArtiRU Artlfroe Armstron 1 Trustee Baldwin I Bneklef Baokley BettL, Baker Ikti BoMKhK RMr rWvilltar E. OinllHtJ E.
Chanterean 0vUir C. Trutee. Certificate Ho. n. S49, 6 shares each Cvlllr JFC, Trot.
tiavalller Trow Or- ttAdtM mm. 143, S39, s.i, 37, 439, 490, 729, 891, 10 ibimtuk Oevallter 0, Oavalller 0, Tnwtoe. .820 CevailleT 0, Trustee Oer- tlftcate Mo. 40, Ml, ttureaoh Cevelllrr C.Trustee.Or- tIBcetee No. 1)4, 00.
3M. 470, 472, 474, 906, 917. 36 thin Mch Cavalller 0, Trustee. Ovalller PC, Truaiee.Oer. llletMKM.W, 149, 54, 3K2, MS, 667, 819, MS, are each Cvlltr 1 tlfieate No.
80S, 834, MO, 842, 860, 100 share Cavalller 0, Tnutee. .824 CeTelller PC, Truatee. Gvlller PO, Cavalller i PC. Crocker JH. Trustee 901 Cook E.
Trustee Crandall 0, Trustee BHH Crandall Trnatoe. Oer-tincate No. 60, 691, 87 lOibnttnck Crandall Truatee fiu Crandall Trustee. Or- tincate Ho. A7, 75, 8H1, 60 autre earn Rharle Charles Charle Cahlll Oo.
Trustee Dixon 8, Draught K. Trustee Duncan Trustee Dreiler LP Co, Trustees, Certlnrate Not. 885, 20 shares rwb Dreiler A Co, Trustee. Oertinr! No. 886, 887, 888, 889, 10 ahare mch Err EE, Trustee W) Epatetn Tnietee 785 Epstein Tnietee, Ccrtifi-catea No.
879, 868, 87, HI ahara EpatciB TruatMi KM'. Epateln Traatoo FpatrlD TruatM, Certlfl-ratm Moa. C7, 849, HS0, 891, 832, 9112, 100 abarra each Ed aon Trout 90S Eckbart, Trnatoe 909 Freldburg Cbarlr. Tniatr. .28 FlaberE, Traatxo 716 rtaher Truatee, Crtlfl-rataa Noa.
748, 7M, IK, abarra rarb Flabrr Trim toe, Oertia. ratr No. 087, 717, 733, 738, 80 abam raob Onlatln Ooo, Trnt Ganfjr Troatpo. Crrtln-eatoa Noa. 91, 2(1 20 abarra carb (iamlrr M.
CcrllAratva Noa. 318, 817, 26 abania ach Oadim i P. TruatM 327 OlazimAOo, 80 200 20 80 80 HI 208 2110 80 Ml 25 60 60 10 10 40 4 10 10 10 40 40 10 1.1 10 10 FsnrTiKG. 16 ft) 16 1" 226 JO 14 3 CO 10 46 .772 .808 Ml Kl Jacob Trust 876 Hoart TrnatM 20 Hariberg TruaU 877 Hunter Truato 8t5 H1U Truatoe 868 La Ooarde Truatee WI3 Leonard WH Leonard F. 89 Meuirk 8, Tnwtee 922 Meaalck 8, Truatee, Or-tlftcate No.
696, 681, 60 harea each Malrk Truatee, Or-tlOcate Noa. 692, 694, 1UU ahare each Noel A 122 Nob la Truatee f.M2 NobleHlf, Trustee 778 Noble Truatee 762 Nobla Trustee, Certln-eatM No. 680, 681, 771, 20 share each Nobla 11 II, Truate, Certificates No. 6615, 669, 741, 769, 76U, 764, 36 abarra each Nobla II Truate fill Nobla Truatee, Oertlft-rate No. 748, 749, 761, 896, 60 (tBre each Norwood Truatee 726 orwood Trustee 801 O'Nell 921 Putnam Truate 860 Klcbardaon Truatue.
f70 Rlcbardeon Rlcbardaon Truatee. .728 Klcbardaon Truatee, Orflncatea Noa. 648,649, 774, 866, 60 abares each Rlcbardaon Truatee, OertlBcatea No. 968, 269, 360, 727, 100 aharei each. Rlcbardaon Truatee, CertlAcste No.
869,870, 300 shares each Rose LB, Trustee 878 Boott Cbarlea, Truatee 108 HabatlePO, Trustee 21!) Babatle Truatee 219 Bier Truate 126 Schmieden Truatee, Crr. tlftcate No. 862, 879, 876, 60 aharea each Schmieden H. Trustee 8C9 Schmieden Trustee Sla Schmieden Truatee 859 BchmldtOA, Trustee 780 Bcbmldt 0 Trustee 788 Blelnhardt Trustee 8V5 ThumetN 22 TbumetN 241 Terr 90 Turnbnll A Oo, Trustee. 880 Tnrnbull fc Co, Trustees.
819 Turabull A Co, Trustees. 647 Tnrnbull fc Co, Trustee. 871 Tnrnbull a Co, Trustee. 919 Tumbril Oo, Trustee.91H Tnppet Truatee "82 Chler i 0, Trustee 867 Uon Truate 791 Woods fc Freeborn 861 Webster fc Soul. Trustee.
.794 40 80 800 100 300 40 200 40 80 808 620 60 300 40 60 10 6 1 SO 6 26 6 160 SO 20 4 10 2M) 40 60 10 60 10 60 10 10 2 60 I'i 40 8 'JO 6 6 1 1 0 10 2 6 600 120 1H0 20 100 20 1UI 20 20 4 76 16 Jrtl 40 926 40 8 60 10 6 60 10 S8 60 10 60 10 60 10 60 10 60 10 100 20 160 30 6 1 100 20 200 40 60 10 10 2 10 3 16 60 12 Km so 40 8 200 40 60 10 100 20 6 1 26 6 20 4 28 6 40 8 200 40 4110 rlii 400 6U 6 60 60 160 30 80 100 6 10 100 20 20 26 1 vo 60 200 200 600 60 60 200 10 20 80 10 1 10 10 10 no 4 20 I 2 20 4 4 6 4 10 40 40 100 10 10 40 2 4 OFFICE OF THE PIOCIIE DAILY RECORD. STEAM POWER PRESSES'. r.Ml'I.OYKli. LEGAL. Elisor Sale.
BT VlRTfE OF AM ETEfTTIOH out of the IMrtric Oonrt in and for the county of Lincoln, State of Nerada. and to an Elliot directed and dellawd. lodgment rendered in said Ourt on Hie tw-niT-niiin day of Marrb, A. V. 1876.
It. favor A. rue and E. F-. Barton, and attaint! wmm Railroad Company, for the sua iwenij er' hundred nineteen and 16- Its) ld coin dollars, lebt.tocetfaer with one anil red ninety-lour and26.HO gold roln dollarn.
tal nts. and all arruln: costs and interrnt, I lisre i-ifi following property, to wit: On larue lre iron IWf Notice bereh Iren that un Friday. Ihs. Kith Day of April, A. I.
Between the hour of 9 m.and p. m. 11 dork a. I will 11 title nd Interest of as Id Central J.eedr Railroad Company In and to the ahore de. scribed property, at the office of J.
C. oster, in the Town of Ploche. County and Ktate aforesaid, at Publle Auction, for cash tn hand, to in hlghe. end bt bidder, to satiny aam ration and all cost. Also at tbe same time I hare levw-o foll wlnn property to wit: The central n- t.
h. hA ih. Mils and sll things sied thereto' or connected threwith, Vether with all th pptirtensnce, rint or In kllilt llT Ot Claimed by ssld de'fendsnt in tint eertsln Railroad nn'nll from Panace KUt. Ploche, by way ol vrj to BnlllonTllle, 21 mile, more or less, sll said Lincoln County, HtaU of NTada. Alao, U.
I l.n Ulllnill nWlDWIllCU 111, foundry building are altuste, embracing all the land, DulidinKa and tmproremenve 1 i. anourtenaneee. by aaid defendant, tbe Central Neved Railroad iwn.n, ir uM everntion la not satlsoed hy sale of the afoiementloned personal prop. erty, notice is nereoy given tnsi Hntnrday, the let day er A. D.
1NT3, Iln.n-nun I kmiM ftf 0 tn. and 9 P. til (vtZ 42 o'clock U.I.I will aell all th Hunt, "tie ana Interest of said Central NeTaoa Miinw tiv in anil to the above described property, at the Oourt-houee door In Ploche, Lincoln Coun. i imiii at nnhlle auction for cash In band to tbe highest and best bidder, to sstlsfy said execution and all costs. Ploche, April 10, 1876.
aplO-ld J. 8. CB08MAN, Ellacr. NOTICE. DELraQUEST BALES.
BASKDTG HOUSES. 1M78 ....1725 And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, made on th 18th day of March, 1876, so many ahare of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction, at the auction bouse of John Ulddleton fc Bon, No. 310 Montgomery treat, Ban Francisco. California, a Hatar Amy, th )M dsy of May, 1876, at th hour vum p. m.
eaio. nay, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs oi auveniaiug ana expenses of tbe kale. R. GOLDSMITH. umce 108 and 110 Sanaome street, Sen Fran.
Tills establlahment i supplied With a large assortment of newest styles of Type, Borders, Assorted Stationery SU. TBI. MODERN MACHINERY EltPLOTkD TO EXECUTION BOOK AND JOS HIUIU ih HFREBY GIVEN TIIAT 1 HAVE received pstent from tbe United State for tba Town Kit of Ploche, in Lincoln cnntv state of Nevada. In trust for the occu pant of ssld Town Site; tbst said patent bears dsteof the second dsy of March, A. D.
1878, snd wss to me on tn into day oi marcu A. D. 1876; that the landa lor whirn saia rsten wss itsued ere described aa follows, to wit Th. northeast nusrter and th southeast quar. ter and the eaat half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-two In Township One, north of Itsuce Hiity-seven eaat, in the District of Landa sublect to ssle at Ploche, Nevada, con talning Four Hundred Acres, according to the Oftlclal Plat and Survey on die in the Ploche Land Office.
And that on and after the zutu day of March, A. V. 1875, 1 will be prepared to, and will make and execute deeila to the occu. pants of tsld Town Site when proper spplira-tlons are made therefor. mrl9 6w MOUTIMER FULLER.
Dissolution of Co-partnership. mriE PARTNF.ltSHIP HERETOFORE EX- I Istlna between Mshlateilt fc Phlpps, in tbe Psnaca Saloon, i this day dissolved by mutusl consent, 11. Mshlstedt assuming all the ltablll. tics of the arm and collecting all outstanding account due the hrm. Fioche, May 7th, 187S.
HENRY MAHLBTEDT, myR-SOd GEO. PH1PPB. SVble H. Trustee. .1.1 H.Tnete., Vninan A.
Trustee Rose i. Itoae 8, Rose 8, Rirkanlmti A. Trustee Richsrdson F. A. Vj3 Rirhardson F.
ru Richardsoa 'i Richardson Trustee 731 Richardson F. Trustee 7 Rirhsrdsna "2 Kir hart eon Trustee I'd 2 Richardxm A. Richardson Truatee. .124 Rlcbardaon A. Trustee nw Rirhardson Trustee.
12 Richsrdson Trustee. litrhardaon Trustee. ...1 4 Rlcbardaon Trustee 1 Richardson Trustee. Richardson Trustee 1:187 Rlcbardaon Trustee. Kichardsnn F.
147 Richardson F. Trustee. ..1479 Richardson Trustee. is i Rlrharson Truatee Wl Richardson trustee 164 Richsrdson A. trustee 164 Rlrketts A Trustee :4 Hi-hmiedell if, trustee 71 eVbraiedell If, trustee In2 Schtnied.
il U. trusU ll Bcbmltt A. Trustee 1670 Berlin 1'17 Hmilev I Trustee lw Htnith F. 2073 Bchmledcll, Horhstsdler Co. Trustees iw gchmiedcll.
UnrhstadUr fc Co. TrusU'ea Schmieden, HochstadUr fc Co. Trustees Tranorfc Knox, 1211 Tranor fc Knox, rrapet im Tnrnbull fc Co, Trustees. 181 Turnbnll fc Co, Trustee. l.3 I'bler Clem, Trustee 804 rbler 1 Cletn, Trustee lnl hler 1 Clem, Trustee Vhler 1 Clem, Trustee.
12M Vbler.1 Clem, Trustee l'8 I'bler i Clem, Trustee l.s'3 Vhler i Clem, Trustee 1.128 rhier Clem.Tnistee 1326 White Trustee 17H.1 Woods fc Wolf 1W And in accordant with law an an r.f ll. Roard of Director, made on the 2th day of March, 1876, so many aharea of each parcel of such atock as may be necessary win he sold at nubile auction, at the ofnee of the Conipanv, room No. 2 Uayward'a Build-Kn nit California street. Hsn Francisco, California, on Thursday, the 1 Hay of m.v. i7S at ths hour of 'Jjo'clork ot Ii ttsv delinquent asaesBment thereon together with costs of advertising and expenses of the sale.
CHAH S. NE4L. Serretsry. nflir.Hoom No. 2S.
Havwsrd's Bulldlna, No. 41(t Cslifornla street, Han Francisco. Califor nia, ruyll-td Il 2S 'ir. 112i 10 JO 12 SO 1" 1 ll 2 I 50 12 50 12 60 SO 12 50 I an 12 so 12 Mi I list as 7 80 8 7 5 i I 13 I 75 llll 2H I loo 2. lno 2.1 10ft 26 IfSl 2.1 lno I 611 12 SO I 60 12 60 Ml 11 -l i 2(1 5 111 2 60 IIS) 5'.
lnO 25 25 6 2.1 .1.1 7 SO 7 so 311 7 50 15 8 75 6ll 12 50 60 12 SO II) 25 50 12 50 5(1 12 50 25 6 2.1 SO 12 50 Sll 12 60 1KI 25 6 25 2.1 25 60 12 SO 100 25 SO 12 50 5 1 26 8 26 oil 12 60 60 12 60 611 12 60 76 18 75 26 tl 2.1 25 6 26 THE CLOTHISG. ETC. RAILROADS. STATE BANK OF NEVADA, Poard of nireetorai J.Colm<ro. JOBS F.1LLE7 JAS.
President President Secretary W.WRIGHT, H. S. I.rl'.R'H HARRY I. THORNTON. Attorney, TIIOIJNTON.
KKLI.I.Y MAKBER I.EPOHITX RfcCElVKD. EITHER ON OPEN I account or to issno certihcates the rlor payable on demand. F.Xt'HA.NOK DKAIVN I SEW YORK and bAN FltAXCISCO. a ud other principal cltle of the 1', Also upon LOSLOS, Dl'ULlN. PAIUS, iiFUUN And all ol the citi of Enrol.
Currency Bought and Sold. t'4lletlion I'lomiilly Railroad and Miuinis Stocks Boiurlil und Sold on Cimmiion. Money Loaned on Stock. MAIN STREET, Dissolution of Co-partnership, TS.TOTICE 1H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN co-iiartnerahlp heretofore existing under the firm nam of Hchr fc Ooedirke, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, t'has. Ooedlcke paying all Indebtedness of the firm, and all eo counts due to tbrm are to be paid to and col lected by Che, tioeilicke.
CM AH. VUH UfcllH, CHAS. OOEBICKE. Plocbo, Feb. 18.
1H75. fia-lm BEST OF JOB PRESSES Plain ni Ornimentil Type, Finest and Latest Btyiea, for any kind of Work, uch aa Paster, Play-fatlla, Receipts, Blank ItnoV, Clrcwlar, Clkerke, Not, Tag. CIlTIftCATtB Of 6T0CI, ITO. claco, Caliloruia. $1,500 JKEVARD OilKA REWARD FOR THE CAPTURE 2JVJ and otuWction of each of th three men who robbed the Halt Lake uage on Betur day, the 24th day of October.
QfCfi REWARD FOB THE CAPTURE UZJIJ and nvlctlon of each of the three men who robked the Ploche and Hamilton stage oa tn aetn aay of uctooer, lint, oclg-tf WELLS, FARGO fc CO, NATHAN MAYER, WITH Jknllinan Sc. Armer, wobtck am suleb Olfri Tobaooo, mo, sue ana sub ecramento Street, Near Front Ban Francisco. Cal OC21-U OARDS Of all alia, shads and shapea, In plain black or In any or all th n.ioceoiuie raiuiiow. DELINQUENT SALES. Chief uf1h Bill Mlnlncr Company.M Location or principii uii ni uufttucRa, Htn Francisco, OthfurDia; location o( workn, Ely Mining District, nucha I.tncoln County Nvnla.
Notlc There an delinquent upon the following bpcribed stock, on tcemiit of aBHPHfiment Number Hix (6), l.vlPtl on the wentY'iiUth uay of March, 187ft, the ecrcral amounts net opponlte the names of the reffwet ive ftharvhohlerti, a follows: No. No. NaiueH. Certitk-ate. Hha's.
PALACE CLUB Wil RUSSELL SCOTT HAS OPEN CO CLUB BOOMS OTKk HAL-tlVV Hardwar Store, Mais atrset, and has connected therewith ft bandeoaM Bar. Psraona vdiitlua th PALAUK can rely on th beat ot accommodation, and whs other auuseawBU are required it will aot be neoe. ry to go euewnar. oj i-m PHILADELPHIA BREWERY, Mala Street, Ptochtt, Sohustrioh Klelne, Prop'rs, Tl FOHNI8HINO A SUPERIOR ARTICLE of LAGER BEER, In quantities to suit, at th lowest ratea. Adjoining camn auppiiea on sort notlo.
jeau-lf All INDEPENDENT PAPER, faithful to InaUtutlona I of Ike CeitMti-yi' Publishing ill the Telegraph Newt, General News Summary Avers Jno Trustee 1'JiX) Rrown Truatee 17C7 RisKl 2'Jl lllske Trustee 1B41 Conner John Cook Trustee luer. Crandall Cranrtall Trustee Crandall Trustee l(i: Crandall Trustee 1C47 Crandall 1'nistee ll'SS Crandall O. Trusttw 1798 Crandall Trustee 1H4H Crandall Trustee 1854 Crandall Trustee INf.l Crandall Trustee lrtoH Csvalller Trustee ass Cahlll fc Foi, Trustee 947 Conger Trustee iVM Charles Trustee 11: Charles Trustee 1H74 Charloa Trustee 19711 CoursenOs, Trustee liKH Coursen Trustee H24 Coursen Trustee Coursen Trustee M8 Cope Geo Trustee 1621 Duncan Trustee iw Dreiler fc Co, Trustees. 17HH Drrxler fc Co, Trustees. 1K.U Dreiler fc Co, Trustees.
1S38 DsrRan Moro, Trustee 1.KA Kpstein Trustee 1H17 ritzpatricki-u 1470 Fisher Trustee lM'i Fisher Trustee IMS Fisher Trustee 1M7 Flsber Trustee 1H53 Fisher Trustee lrftl ItsherE, Trustee 1S74 Fisher Trustee 1W1 Fisher Trustee lMrj Fisher Trustee 1IMKI Flsber Truatee 1704 Fisher Trustee 174H Fisher Trustee 1769 Fisher Trustee lft-jl Fisher Trustee lieja Fisner Trustee 124 Fisher rruatea 1877 Fisher Truatee 17 Fisher Truatee lnls Gordon 0 Trustee S4'l Greenbaum Trustee MAS tlreenbauui Truatee 19IW Glazier I fc Co, 1I4U Ululer I fc Do, 1811 Gauihler Trustee 'WPH Gsuthler Trustee SUM Gsuthler Trustee U4 Hutchinson John, Trustee. Hunt Trustee UWS Hunt II, Trustee 191 Huaaey Trustee 7x Holme A fc Co, Trustee. Holme A fc Co, Truatee. Hcrzberg Trustee 1411 Hertberg 1, Trustee 1413 Haaa It Hoflman Trustee 174S HoKan Thoa 1W8 Huflman Trustee Huffman Trustee antut Hufttpsn Trustee xi7 Keut Trustee 1138 King Trustee G37 Kirby Truatee 1MNI3 Lola Valentine auo'l Latham fc Co, Trustee. 145a Latham fc Co, Trustee.
HtU Latham fc Co, Trustee. 1480 Marina Bta, Trustee. dHS Magiiire Patrick MM Mortln Trustee 11x8 Marvin 10 Heal Cha Trustee 18 NealC.haad, Trustee 141 Neal Chaa Trustee 341 neaiunaan, Truatee tin Neal Chaa 8, Truatee 34d Neal Chaa 8, Truatee 94 Neal Chaa 8, Truatee 474 Neal Chaa 8, Trustee 4Hs Neal Chaa 8, trustee 4K1 Neal Chaa 8, trustee 830 Neal Cha 8, trustee tn't Neal Chaa trustee kiuo NralChaa S. trustee ioh3 Neal Cha 8, trustee 134s Neal Chaa 8, ny Neal Cha 8, trustee Neal Chaa 8, trustee 1954 Neal Chaa 8, trustee 1983 Neal Cha 8, truatee lutwi Neal Chaa ItHfl Neel Cbaa trustee 1SW8 Neal Cha 8, lm Neal Chaa trustee 19VS Neal Cha 8, trustee 990 Neal Cba 8, trustee 1997 Neal has 8, trustee 1999 Neal Chaa 8, trustee 2000 Neal Chaa 8, trustee 8015 Neal Chaa 8, trustee '17 Neal Cha 8, trustee 'JO 18 Neal Chaa 8, truatee ton Neal Cha 8, trustee ton Neal Cha 8, trustee 9024 Neal Chaa 8, trustee 9096 Neal Cha 8, truatee 9a3'l Neal Chaa 8, truatee 9070 Noble Truatee 1419 Noble, Trustee. 11K1 Noble Truatee 149 1 Noble Trustee ..16641 10 SO 20 10 90 91 uO lno so Sll llll so 50 Ml 10 20 2.1 so so 60 60 2S SO 20 10 60 Ih so SO inn 40 40 70 9lKI 100 so Km if 0 100 100 20 SO UO 100 1IHI 100 SO so so Sll 9S mi 100 60 SO 60 SO as 6 10 10 6 SO lno 950 100 100 15 10 10 100 950 60 60 10 100 100 99ft 60 60 1U0 50 60 60 60 100 100 6 60 loO 6 95 1(10 60 140 100 100 100 Oi) 900 9m 500 100 60 100 Km 100 loo Ml 60 60 60 900 190 100 10 10 60 Anjt SO 19 60 6 9 60 22 60 25 19 60 25 19 50 12 SU 25 12 60 12 60 1 26 12 60 9 SO A 0 25 19 60 12 SO I9 60 12 6 95 12 60 6 9 60 1 95 19 50 6 95 12 SO 19 50 96 10 10 17 60 SO 'Ji 12 60 126 No.
Shares. Ami. 10 fr. 10 6 20 10 1 so 1-8M 19 95 10 6 10 SO 95 2 so 14'. 7 25 1 50 American Fluy; Mill anil Mlnintf lsilon of nrlnclnal Dlare ot uus- Inesa, Man rrsncisco, vsiuuruta.
viv District. Lincoln county, Nevsda Notice There are dellnqueut upon the follow- lnB described stock, on account 01 awesMueui 11 the dsv of March. 1876. the aeveral amounts set opposite the names of No. Namea.
Cert. Burtsell i Trustee 81'J Coursen Trustee 4li7 Cantlnfc Everett, Trustees 3l Crosby Trustee, lisl 122M Dlion 8, Trustee :8 Evre E. Trustee 1 4 1 .1 Perine (I Trustee 840 Richardson F. Trustee 112 Hlchsrdson Trustee 42(1 Richardson Trustee, bal .999 Richardson Trustee.hal.lolo Richarilson, Richardson Trustee. .1:167 Richardson F.
Trustee. Richardson Trustee 1420 Rirhudnou 1421 Sleeper teo, Trustee, bal 2K2 Sleeper Geo, Trustee IMiO Bleejier Geo, Trustee 16117 Sherwood fc Co, Trust .491 HharpG 1240 Vhler Clem, Trustee, Vlnzent Vhss, Trustee 1679 Webster fc Soille, Trustees. .651 ilson Anna bal 61 HF.W ISHl'K. Ayres, Cope Co, Trustee. Amorose Aitciiaci to Drown Tnwti e.
bal 198. Heales fc Martin, 2474 Csvalller P. Trustee Ill CavallUr Trustee, bal. 112 Coursen (1 Trustee 1516 CrsiuUll Trustee Crandall Trustee me, Crandall G. Trustee 918 Crandall Trustee Crandall Trustee Ht.H Crandall Trustee Crandall Trustee 1074 Crandall Trustee Crandall Trustee 1747 Crandall Trustee 18IH Crandall Trustee 2270 Crandall Trustee 2279 Cook Trustee 895 Cowan Trustee 798 Crandall to B.
Trustee 2298 Dixou 8. Trustee 818 First Door Below ftlate Hank, F.N I A I Union Pacific Itailicad TIME TABLE. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICF, TRAINS WIT) leave and arr-ve at Ogden daily, as folioiT express, 8:30 a. m.j mu :30 p. freight, 1030 a.
ni. AnnrrK. Daily express, 8:10 p. p. freight, 6.10 a.
m. Daily connections made at Oprten with Utah Central Railroad from Halt Lake Citv points in Southern Utah. At Bryan, with stat-es for the Sweetwater At theyenne, with Deuver Pacific Itailrc.J" for Denvir, Central City, Georgetown and points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha, with Chicago and Northwestern-Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific: Burlinutos and Missouri River; Kansas City, St. Joe ami Council Blutfs Railroads, and Missouri river lin of steamers, for all points east and south.
Tickets for sale to all points east at Wi lls, Fargo fc East Temple street and it the office of tbe Utah Central Railroad' in Salt Lake City; also at the Union Pacinc Railroad ticket oflice, in Ogdrn, at which office berths ou Bleeping-cars can he curi-d. Arrangtrnents have been made whereby rus eengera desiring to visit Denver, on thei wt." East, can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return, at crratlv reduced rates. For particulars and all information In regard to passage, apply at the ticket offices. Passengers should be carefnl to secure mpi, passage tickets to all eastern nd southern points via Omaha, and thus avail themselves of a through sleeping-car, comfortable accouimoil. lions and quick time.
THOS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Amm T. E. 8ICKLE8, auXMf Chief Enfiineer and Superintendent.
C'orreBiMindentai LAIDLAW fc Agents of the Bank I Vork 01 Litiornia BANK OF CALIFORNIA, and I J. H. LATHAM fc Stock ran irencieto Brokers Jal-tl. ....) 1. W.
FARGO fc CO. ON ALL the Principal Cltiea of the United States, Canadas and Europe, For Sale by W. E. GRIFFIN, Wells, Farso fc Co's Express Oflice. tnrtrt-tf READY-MADE CLOTHING Utah Central Railroad.
T1MK rpRAINS I.F.Aa SAl.TTKli CITY DA IT 1 at 6 .10 a. and 11:45 p. m. Arrive at On den at 7:30 m. and 8:45 p.
m. Trains will leave Ogden daily at 8:40 a. ni and 6.30 p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake city at and p.
m. Mixed Train win run daily, snnaays excepted, leayu.g am Lake City at a. m. and p. and Ocdei, at 6 a.
m. and 6:50 a. m. an23.l( 1 25 25 25 25 26 10 125 12 60 26 25 95 96 12 60 12 50 19 60 19 60 6 95 12 SO 95 12 60 19 60 12 60 19 60 6 96 1 25 960 7 60 9 60 125 19 50 28 62 60 25 95 3 60 9 60 25 09 60 19 60 1960 1 96 360 25 as 66 98 12 60 19 60 55 I9 60 19 80 19 60 1960 96 96 196 19 80 38 196 6 98 35 19 50 K6 94 98 38 78 60 60 195 36 I9 60 1. 9f 25 35 19 50 I9 60 19 60 13 60 60 iM 38 360 360 1380 Dixon It S.
Trustee 2022 Duncan L. Trustee 41W Denny fc Stevenson, Trust. DarKan Moro, Trustee Dahlgren Epstein Trustee 1927 Epstein Trustee lto Fisher Trustee 997 Fisher Trustee. 1256 Fisher Trustee 1277 Fisher Trustee 1591 Fisher Trustee 1679 Fisher Trustee 2210 Fisher Trustee W-i Flsber Trustee 2471 Flsber Trustee 350.1 Glailerl fc Co, Trustees 71 Glarier I fc Co, Trustees 77 Gordon 0 Trustee Hutchinson Trustee 2143 Uutchlnron Trustee 2201 Hutchinson Trustee 3263 Hackett bal 11126 Kenney Trustee. 22811 Lazure Trusicc, .1940 Latham fc Co.
'trustees. .1844 McUalHe Jaa, Trustee McIIatUe Jaa, Trustee 221.5 Morgenstern Trustee 1800 Noble 11, Trustee, bal 1166 Noble Trustee 1198 Noble II Trustee 1214 Noble 11, Trustees im Noble Trustees 11M Noble Trustees 1491 Noble 11, Trustee 1494 Noble Trustee 1818 Noble 11 H. 1883 Norwood Trustee, 1819 Norwood Trustee, Noble fc Co, Truatee. .3290 Noble fc Co, Truatee. Nevln 545 Plummer Trustee 1078 Oulnsn Jaa Trustee 182n Ricbanlson Truatee 847 Richardson Richardson Trustee I1128 Richardson Trustee 1(117 Richardeou Trustee, bal.
1686 Richardsou Trustee, bal. 1698 Richardson TTnstee 1846 Richardson Trustee 2161 Richardsou Trustee 2181 Richardson ..2185 Richardson trustee 2186 Rtchardscn trustee 919'J Rirhardson trustee 2465 Richardson EA, trustee 241U 14 Hi 10 6 10 7 IS 6 100 100 II 111 So Siio 38 10 6 8 20 20 500 10 20 Sll 10 so lno so lin 18 So so 2.1 111 7 25 6 6 2 60 3 50 7 SO 2 50 60 SO 1 so 6 10 25 2.7 115 19 a 50 1 50 10 10 250 6 10 25 5 3 25 5 118 60 35 25 25 13 60 Valuable Mill Property AUOTION. MONDAY. MONDAY MAY 17, lSTO, At 14 o'clock at Salesroom, No. 3 IO Montgomery SAN FRANCISCO, MILL AND APPURTENANCES -or IHF- Twin River Consolidated Mining Company.
Ricbanlson trustee 24U Richardson trustee 2417 Richardson truatee 2410 Schmieden Hy, trustee 31-4 Schmieden, llochstadter Co, trustees 1713 Schmieden, llochstadter fc Co. Trustee 1723 Schmieden, Hochstadter fc Co, Trustees Schmieden, Hochstadter fc Co, trustees Sleeper Geo, trustee, Spinney Geo Spinney Geo Spinney Geo Spinney Geo Spinney Geo Spinney Geo Spinney Geo Spinney Geo echniltt A. trustee 20 0 110 45 Inn 2o 10 SO Iihi 25 35 So 20 60 ISO 150 17 3 15 18 111 llll) 100 IIHI r. 10 25 60 SO 10 10 60 lno 100 50 20 20 25 30 3 50 30 ti 18 60 A 50 Sll 20 SO 20 9 60 lflll 25 15 SO LATES STYLES. Chinchilla Beaver Overcoats, Beaver Suits, CASSIMERE 50 19 50 10 2 50 15 22 60 50 10 25 12 50 17 Sll 26 10 25 75 75 8 SO 1 SO 7 50 9 50 60 50 56 6 12 50 95 25 5 35 60 3 25 8 25 is) 25 10 10 12 50 15 1 SO 25 15 8 25 3 25 2 60 25 25 10 25 10 1 25 60 19 50 7 60 35 'HE MACHINERY AM) APPl'RTESANCES of the Twenty-Stamp Mill belonging to the Twin River Consolidated Minins Company, located at Ophir Canyon, Nye Mitl way between Austin mid Bt lim'iit OMPHIKEXU 'iO fa iu (MK.
poll nt fi.4-li) Ufht- tcrle (dry cruHhiiiif 1 liluke Hoik ltiok-r, Amttltrfimutlnj; Paim. a meter, four of them utnrly S'ttlr, seven fet cliamelcr, other ipi urU-iifim'C-R cf the Mil Hurt work, togttht with an exi-ellt nt STEAM ENGINE, 18x42 INCH. ALSO, TWO TUBULAR BOILERS, Fourteen Feet Long, Anil all requisite ShaltiliK. Gearing, Pulleys, Beltinc, and a valuable lot ot Sierra No. vmla Timber lu the Hatteiy Friinn anil In the Mill unit Furnace Building.
"The whole is In excellent condition, having been in operation within the past year, ami constantly In charge of a keeper while unemployed. The Mill. and Tailings ure lie aerveil. JOHN MIPHLETON SON, aplH-lui AiKtioneers. HTJITS.
ri'RAINS LEAVK THE CTAII CENTRAL I Lepot, Halt Lake City, at 7 a. tn. ami 2 in o'clock p. in. Handy (neareHt point to Little Cottonwno Canyon), at a.
ni. and 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Lehl at 9 a. m.
and 4 :30 p. m. Leave Lehl at 9:110 a. m. and 5 p.
Mainly at m. and 0:10 p. m. An ive at Halt Lake. City at a.
BROAD WAY AND A STREET. THE WKEKLY HERALD IS PrBLISlTED every Saturday, at flr cents per copy. An nuai BUDRcription price Ono copy Three coptes Five copies Ten copies 16 Postage five cents per copy for three months. A ny Ui Ror number, aildivHRed to name ot nub Rcnbera, $1.60 each. An extra copy will be sent to is very club of ten.
1 wenty copies to one addresa, one year, $115, and any larger number at the same price. lwo extra copied will oe sent to cinnft ol twenty. These rates make the Weekly Herald the cheapest publication in the country. Terms eaBh in advance. Money sent by malt will be at the rink of the sender.
A generous portion of the Weekly Herald will be devoted to ARriculture, Horticulture, Flori. culture, Pomology, and tuo management of do mcfitic animals. Particular attention wilt bf paid also to the Reports of the Markets. The aim will be to make the Weekly Herald uperior to any other agricultural and family newspaper in the country. Every number of the Weekly Herald will con tain a select story, and tbe latest and njont Important news by telegraph from all parts of tti world up to the hour of publication.
During th ssnion of Congress the Weklj Herald will contain a summary of the proceedings, and the la-tent news by telegraph from Washington. Political, Religious, Fashionable, Artictic, Literary and Spurting Intelligence; Obituary Notices, Varieties, Amusem*nts, Editorial, Articles on the prominent topics of the Jay, a review of tho Cattle and lry Goods Markets, Financial and Commercial Intelligence, and accounts of all the important and InteriHtiDK events of the week. Tbe Herald employs no agents in the country, nor in distant cities, to canvass for subscribers, as none are necessary. Any person pretendinK to be an agent for the Weekly Herald i-honld be treated as a common swindler. The club bj-b tern has abolished the agency system.
It is sae and cheap. The price of subscription, whenever practicable, should be transmitted by Postofflce orders. It is the safest mode of transmitting tnouty hy mail. At riinall Tostofiices in the country, when-Postoflice orders cannot be obtained, money may be remitted in registered letters. Advertisem*nts, tn a limited number, will 1 inserted in the Weekly Herald.
Price ot the 1hJ1v Herald, four cents a copy. Annual tubscription price, $12, in advance. Write the address on letters to the New Yuri Herald in a bold and legible band, and give the name of each subscriber, of Postottiee, county and State so plainly that no errors in mailing papers will be liable'to occur. auH ASSAY OFFICE T. IV.
JON33S, MAIS STRKET, IN I'. HK1NTZELMAN Mthl'. PIOCHE, NEVADA. CAPS, HOOTS SHOES LADIES1 II uoin Style 1 Turnbnll Co, truate TrouttJ It Chler i Clrm, Vimont i trustee Vldeau Henry 50 25 ..117 23 12 SO Dd1 15 ..1279 30 15 1610 20 10 ..2103 "8 37 60 2iS 12 SO ..2363 liV 7W 2375 8 1 60 60 25 a 1 ..257 10 5 91 3 SO 15 ...199 au 10 ..157 1 7 ,.1650 100 60 l. 50 15 2260 ...1 100 50 at 10 ....65 16 60 100 60 .11 11 'JO 10 7 60 25 50 25 25 13 50 1M ...2270 60 25 Wright Wright Wright WH, tnute.
Wde A truatee Waile A truatee, bal. Wood truatee And in acoordaao with law and an order ol the Board of Director, made on the twenty- alitU day ol March, 1H7S, many aharea ol each parcel ot euch a took aa may ne neceaaary will be old at publle auction, at the aalea-Mon of John Utddleton Bon, No. 310 Mont gomery atreet, Han VranclKO, California, ou Kriday, th TweBty-eightBi day of May, 1176, at the hour ot two o'clock p. m. of aaid day, to pay aaid dellnanent ment thereon together with ooU of adTertUing and expeniw 01 tn aale.
fln R. SPINNEY. Becretarv Offloe No. 820 California atreet. Room No.
6, But Francisco, California. myll-td AVlNd I'l'RCHASEU, UEFITTEl) AND Enlarged this (ifticc, I am preiawd tir lug work in MELTING DRESS AND ASSATIN Gr With proioptnewi and dUpatch. Terms to Kull th Times. GOODS. SILKS, ap20-tf J.
M. JONKN. G. R. ALEXANDER, Druggist and Apothecary.
KKEP8 CONST ANTL ON HAND A LARGE lot of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, AH Tollot Artlclon, At LOWEST POSSIBLE PEIOE. Mala St. Piorhe, opiwalte Lacoar NU mj2-if MERINOS, CALICOS NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Administrator' Kale of lleiil KHlale. ''OTICK IH IlEltEBY GIVEN, THAT la purKuaui'p of an ordtr ol the District (jourt of the Seventh DiKtrict tho Btutn of Nevada, in and lor the Countv of Lincoln, niade on the First day of March, A.
V. 1H75, in the matter of the eMate ol Edward Donahue, decawd, tho nndrrhiKnt-d. th ailminiatrator of the aaid estate, will wll at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for caaii, gold coin of the United Btatea of America, subject to continuation bj nald Ulhtrici Lorn. on Thurartay, I lie Fifteenth lay April, A. II, At one o'clock p.
at the front door ol the in Fioche, Lincoln County, Nevada, all the riRht, title, interest, and state of the aaid Edward Donahue, at the time ol hi death, and all the right, title and liiterear inui the aaid eatate has by operation of law or other- wiae acquired, other than, or in addition to tnai of the aaid Edward Donahue at the time ol bin death, in and to all those certain lota, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying, anu oeing in tno aaid Town of Ploche, Lincoln County, and State of Nevada, and bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: One.hilf Interest, undivided in toat certain lot and premises occupied as a store bouse by Qulllen Donahue, at the time of the death of said Edward Donahue, deceaHed, situutnd on tbe southerly aide of Meadow Valley atreet, in toe Town, County and State aforesaid, and described on the official map of aaid Town of Ploche, aa Lot Number Bovcn (7) In Block Number i weu-ty-Ave (25) Also, an undivided one-half Interest in a tra" or parcel of land altuatod on laconr atreet, in 1'locne, Lincoln county, Ktate of Kevaaa, standing la the name of Steele and Donahue. Also, an undivided one-half interest in the land and premises and Htone Quarry, aituated on Panace Plat, in Pioche, Lincoln County, State ol Nevada, and known as the Steele Donahue BtoneQuarrv. Terms and condition of sale: cash, gold coin of the I'nited Btatee; deed to be at tho tipenw of the purchaser; deed to bo delivered on con-urination of tbe sale by said District Court. JOHN L. DONAHUE, Administrator of th eatate of Edward Vow hue, deceased.
Ploche. Nevada, March 1Mb, A. D. 1876. By Bishop it tUnm, Attornevs for trator.
mrll-td oat uo went. The abov nale la herebv postponed hour and place. Thursday, Maw llllh. 1S75. at tbenanw JOHN L.
DONAHIH. ETC. TRUNKS VALISES. no6-tl Administrator of the eatate of Edward Don-hue, deceased. my7-td I-ovis Kullmam Natuam Mavsh Max KULLMAN ARMER, 1M1 OHIHIS AMI I'CALEHS IN Cigars and Tobacco, Genuine Havana Cigars Noa.
8(4 AMI 308 SACBAJIXStO Near Front, SAN IKANCISCO- myg-tf.